The earthquake occurred on the same fault line as the earthquake that devastated the capital, Port-au-Prince, in January 2010, though this latest quake was more powerful. In the aftermath it has been difficult to get a complete mapping of the disaster. MSF has launched exploratory missions in several localities, started interventions in the cities of Port-Salut, Les Cayes and Jérémie, and we are preparing to step up our activities in the coming days, sending medical equipment, essential items and human resources, including medical teams to care for the injured.
First responses
In the early hours after the earthquake, a medical team from our reproductive health project in Port-à-Piment was able to quickly go to the General Hospital of Les Cayes to assess the situation and begin an intervention. Another team was deployed to the Port-Salut Hospital, where 26 wounded have been referred, primarily from Port-à-Piment, Les Anglais and Les Cayes.