I arrived in Aden in May expecting to work at the trauma hospital, but within a few days of being here I joined the team setting up the only COVID-19 treatment centre in the vicinity. The situation went from bad to worse in a matter of days.
At the time, I described it to a friend back home as ‘hell on earth’ – walking through the hospital and seeing every patient suffocating in front of me. The patients needed intubation, mechanical ventilation, oxygen concentrators, tubing and masks. It was difficult seeing that level of suffering and feeling completely helpless.
It was tough for me knowing that the outcome for these patients would have been different back home in Australia, but here in Aden we didn’t have the resources. We didn’t even have adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) or a reliable supply chain. But we were determined to do the best we could with the little that we had at the time.