Médecins Sans Frontières Australia Annual Report 2017

In 2017, we witnessed continuing destructive conflicts, major crises of displacement and unacceptable attacks on healthcare facilities... read more.

Dr Stewart Condon
President, MSF Australia

Your support in action

In 2017, our fundraising activities continued to grow, generating a total of $88 million mostly through the regular donations made by our field partners and the generosity of our major donors. These donations directly funded projects in 37 countries worldwide, with Yemen, Nigeria and Kenya receiving the largest contributions.

Through the efforts of our Field Human Resources department, Australian and New Zealand field workers filled a total of 233 field positions in 37 countries. The countries most supported by our field staff were Iraq, South Sudan and Nigeria, which each faced severe humanitarian emergencies.


The place names and boundaries used in this report do not reflect any position by MSF on their legal status.

Countries in focus


For more information on all of the countries supported by Médecins Sans Frontières Australia in 2017, please download the full report below.