Meet our bequestors

Meet Our Bequestors

We are grateful for the support of those highlighted below, and many others, in helping Médecins Sans Frontières respond rapidly to emergency situations and deliver urgent medical treatment to people in need.

Joy Meekings

MSF not only saves lives but gives us all some hope. That is why I want to leave a gift in my will. So even after I’ve gone, I can help in a small way to make sure this vital work continues.

Joy Meekings

“I’m always looking for ways I can give back, just to show a little kindness and compassion to anyone in need. Over the years I’ve been a long-term supporter of more than one international humanitarian organisation, I’ve also volunteered with Lifeline and Make a Wish Australia.

I was first drawn to Médecins Sans Frontières in 2014 and have been donating every month since then. It can be really hard watching the news, so many people in such misery and strife! Most of the time you sit there thinking, what can I do? But time and again, I’ve seen Médecins Sans Frontières just get in there, and get on with delivering whatever is most needed medically.

What the organisation can accomplish under duress and in dire circumstances never ceases to astound me. They put their own lives on the line to help others and are true heroes. So I am deeply grateful for Médecins Sans Frontières. I wrote a poem about it: Thank you MSF! The organisation not only saves lives but gives us all some hope. That is why I want to leave a gift in my will. So even after I’ve gone, I can help in a small way to make sure this vital work continues.” 


Bernard Chapman

It was a very easy procedure to add the bequest. I was updating my Will anyway…I know my contribution will help Médecins Sans Frontières make a positive difference where it is needed.

Bernard Chapman
 “It amazes me in our modern world that there are still millions of people starving, plagued by diseases such as HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. I know the field staff of Médecins Sans Frontières help these people and give them hope, and a chance of a better life. 
So I felt that as I have been quite lucky in my comfortable life, when I am gone I want this valuable organisation to benefit. 
It was a very easy procedure to add the bequest. I was updating my Will anyway, and spoke to my lawyer about it. He added my bequest to my new Will without difficulty. I know my contribution will help Médecins Sans Frontières make a positive difference where it is needed.
Each day when I read the newspaper, I am saddened by much of what many of my fellow human beings have to battle with. But I feel better when I realise that organisations like Médecins Sans Frontières are helping those who need to be healed. I feel that the money I donate is used to really help people who are in need and crisis.
I would encourage anyone who can leave a bequest to Médecins Sans Frontières to do so. There are many organisations and charities needing help, but I like the way Médecins Sans Frontières uses the money so effectively. There is so much need in our crazy world, the more of us who make a contribution, the better!”


Katherine Quin

For me, the concept of a legacy is not about having your name in stone somewhere, it’s about the positive impact your legacy can have.

Katherine Quin
“The reason I have continued to support Médecins Sans Frontières for almost 15 years is because I believe the organisation’s actions are in line with its clearly-stated mission and that they are particularly efficient and sustainable in their work. 
I really value their sense of vision, it speaks closely to my heart. I also believe in their impartial and long-term approach. They respond to a crisis, work in partnership with the local population to manage the situation, and offer support without the sense that they are there to take over.
For me, the concept of a legacy is not about having your name in stone somewhere, it’s about the positive impact your legacy can have. I know the dollars I leave will have a more substantial benefit in the global community than if I had just left everything to my healthy and secure family, and that’s very important to me.
Médecins Sans Frontières is a fantastic organisation and I feel comfortable knowing that my bequest to them will be well spent. It is a privilege to be involved in the work of such an amazing group of people. We are incredibly lucky to be in a position to make such a marked difference on the world, and a bequest is an opportunity to leave something behind.”


Hans Barwaldski

(04/10/1946 - 01/09/2014)

Hans wanted to help people that needed immediate access to medical attention. He was attracted to Médecins Sans Frontières primarily because it is not based on any particular religion and the overwhelming majority of the bequest will go directly to the people who need help rather than administration.

-  Hans' best friend

Hans Barwaldski

Hans Barwaldski was born in Swidnica, Poland and later in 1959 he migrated to the Federal Republic of Germany. He graduated as an Architect in 1976 and migrated to Australia in 1990. Hans continued his career as an Architect till his death.

Hans supported Médecins Sans Frontières with his monthly gifts as a Field Partner for over six years. We are so grateful for the generous bequest he left in support of our work.


Patricia Ponting

I want to keep supporting patients long into the future which is why I have decided to leave a gift in my Will to MSF.

Patricia Ponting

“Caring for people and giving back to the community has always been important. As a retired primary school teacher and long-term community volunteer, supporting others is a huge part of my life. I first came across MSF in 2004 when I met two friendly fundraisers outside my local shopping centre. Curious to learn more about MSF’s work, I approached them and ended up being instantly inspired. I set up a regular donation on the spot and have continued since then.  

It was MSF’s principles of independence and neutrality that I was drawn to; as well as MSF’s flexibility to offer care wherever the need is greatest. I recognise that the need for MSF’s services around the world is immense.”  

Always independent. Always thanks to you.

A gift in your Will, no matter what the amount, can make a real difference to the lives of many people in need of emergency medical care.