Take charge of your own health by becoming more familiar with your body and monitoring it regularly.
Here are a few things you can do to ensure your health stays on track:
Take charge of your own health by becoming more familiar with your body and monitoring it regularly.
Here are a few things you can do to ensure your health stays on track:
Ensure you’re moving your body adequately throughout the day—extended periods of time sitting can cause long term health issues. Stand and stretch at least once every hour, and try to exercise for 30 minutes each day.
Use sun protection when you’re outside, and monitor any freckles, moles or skin blemishes for anything unusual. Things to look for are changes in shape or colour, or any pain or itchiness from skin marks.
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health—take a few minutes each day to ground yourself in the present, be honest with how you’re feeling, and practise some deep breathing exercises.
Bone health is important at every stage of life, and particularly for women. Make sure you’re including enough calcium in your diet and getting essential Vitamin D, as well as including regular weight-bearing exercises in your daily routine.
Strengthening your pelvic floor is important for everyone, no matter what gender or age. Pelvic muscle training, or Kegels, should be done daily. Tighten the muscles in your pelvic area (the ones you would use to stop urination midstream), hold for five seconds, release for five seconds, and repeat.
It's important to be aware of what your breasts look and feel like normally in case there are any changes. Note any concerning lumps, swelling, sensitivity or pain, and discuss any concerns with your doctor.
Self-care means different things to different people. But if you want to be more empowered to manage your own health, you’re not alone.