Like most of our patients, 22-year-old Zainab* had travelled a long way to reach our hospital.
Thirty weeks pregnant, she arrived at our hospital fully dilated, expecting premature twin girls.
A case of fully dilated premature twins is certainly urgent anywhere in the world, and here at MSF’s mother and child hospital in Taiz Houban, southern Yemen, we have a well-functioning system to deal with urgent cases.
With no options for pain relief, Zainab was strong and determined in her efforts to deliver her babies. They both came out roaring – perhaps the only time a mother is happy to hear her children cry! The room was full of joy and hugs between Zainab and the team.
Although the twins cried spontaneously, they both required some assistance with their breathing. Upstairs from the maternity unit is a neonatal unit, where we monitored their breathing for a couple of days. As I live very close by, I was able to visit them regularly and observe how they improved, giving me much encouragement