Our medical teams act fast to save people’s lives in conflict zones, natural disasters and epidemics.

When a crisis strikes, our doctors, nurses and midwives are on the frontline of the response. Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique, but rapid and effective response to emergencies is at the core of our work.
With your support, we can continue to provide emergency medical assistance independently and impartially to people who need it the most.
The act of humanitarianism comes down to one thing: individual human beings reaching out to those others who find themselves in the most difficult circumstances. And they reach out one bandage at a time, one suture at a time, one vaccination at a time. Humanitarian responsibility has no frontiers.
Unless otherwise specified, contributions to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) are directed to our general emergency fund, which is what we draw upon to deliver lifesaving healthcare wherever it’s needed around the world. Such unrestricted general donations give us the ability to direct funds where the needs are greatest, including under-reported and neglected crises.