Corporate Partnerships

Partnering with MSF

Partnerships are crucial to our work. Thanks to the independent support of companies like yours we can deliver urgent medical aid to communities, whenever and wherever crisis hits. 

We collaborate with our partners to design purposeful strategic partnerships. Working together we can achieve measurable social impact through shared value, awareness building and cause-driven activities. 

With the increasing impact of conflict, disasters and climate change on people’s health, the need for our work has never been greater. We can’t afford to wait.

Ways to partner with MSF

Every partnership is bespoke, tailored to meet the objectives of the organisations we work with. Below are some examples of the activities our corporate partnerships can include. 

  • Become an Emergency Action Partner – An emergency can’t be predicted, but as an Emergency Action Partner, you will ensure we are prepared for a rapid and effective response in times of crisis.
  • Commercial Activities – Engage with your audiences and drive community support of MSF’s work through a targeted campaign or business activity.
  • Workplace Fundraising Initiatives – Holding an event or activity in your workplace is a great way to raise funds and awareness for MSF. 
  • Pro bono or In-kind Support – Share your expertise or offer a product or service that could support our operations and improve our logistics. 
  • MSF Workplace Giving – An easy way to make regular pre-tax donations from your pay. 

Please note: As the Médecins Sans Frontières logo is a registered trademark, any use of our name or logo within Australia must be approved by MSF Australia.