Frequently asked questions on Médecins Sans Frontières'
Is there an upper age limit for field workers?
No, Médecins Sans Frontières does not discriminate on the grounds of age. However, field workers do need to have the physical and mental fitness to cope with the demanding conditions that may be encountered on a field assignment.
Please note: in some countries MSF is working in, there may be a maximum age limit fixed by the national law, above which certain profiles may not be able to obtain the necessary work permits.
Can I apply through MSF Australia if I do not have an Australian or NZ citizenship?
MSF Australia can only recruit those who have an unrestricted work permit to work in Australia. This is usually New Zealand citizens and those who hold permanent residency in Australia. This is because those we recruit are placed on an employment contract with MSF Australia, and we can only do this if they have the legal right to work here.
If this is not applicable to you please refer to the MSF International website to locate the nearest office to which you can apply.
Does Médecins Sans Frontières Australia recruit people who are currently employed by or who have been employed in the Armed forces, Reserves or equivalent, or the Department of Defence (DoD)?
MSF recognises that many of the skills gained in a military career are relevant to the delivery of humanitarian assistance, however, applicants must be aware that this background may present a direct conflict of interest with the Charter of MSF. Military experience can also result in limited deployment possibilities in the many security sensitive contexts where MSF works such that our recruitment and placement criteria cannot be met.
The following criteria must be satisfied before MSF Australia can consider an applicant:
- Before making an application with MSF, previous employees of the Armed Services or the Department of Defence, will need to have completed a minimum of 2 years of working in civilian life.
- For those applicants who are on the Armed Forces Reserve List, please note that you will have to remove yourself from this list, if you are accepted by MSF to join the pool of MSF Fieldworkers
Each application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, dependent upon the role and responsibilities of the applicant.
Can I still apply if I have not worked in my profession for several years?
Medical and para-medical applicants must not have a recent gap in clinical experience greater than two years in order to be currently competent, as they will be using their skills in challenging environments.
For non-medical profiles, while the time limit on recent experience applicable to medical profiles does not apply, a candidate’s chances of selection may decrease if they do not have current applicable experience within the last three to four years. These will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Which foreign language(s) are most valued by Médecins Sans Frontières in recruiting for field projects?
The international working languages of Médecins Sans Frontières are French and English.
Most Australian and New Zealander fieldworkers are sent to English speaking projects – though it may not be an English-speaking country.
Applicants with French, Arabic, Portuguese and Spanish language skills are highly regarded and can be considered for more field opportunities.
In the field, you will find yourself in a multicultural team in which the more common languages used might be French or Spanish. Other common languages found in our field teams are Arabic, Mandarin, Japanese, Russian, and Swahili (this is not an exhaustive list!) and you may be the only native English speaker in your team.
Can I apply if I have a criminal record or past misdemeanours?
Médecins Sans Frontières does not discriminate on any grounds. However, all potential applicants must be aware that if recruited, criminal record and working with children checks will be required. Possessing a conviction will not necessarily result in the denial of an employment offer, however any employment offer will be subject to Médecins Sans Frontières being satisfied that the stated conviction(s) will not impact on an individual's capacity to perform the inherent requirements of a position. Inherent requirements of a position may include the ability to obtain the visa required for a particular country.
Does MSF recruit paramedics?
Please note that MSF does not currently recruit paramedics. Although we recognize the highly skilled and qualified paramedics in Australia and New Zealand and particularly in the emergency setting, the countries where we work do not recognize the qualification, and therefore restrict access to MSF obtaining a work visa for paramedic profiles. In addition, ambulance services are not common in MSF projects. When patient transfers take place, these are often done in MSF vehicles, and patients are accompanied by MSF nurses and/or medical doctors. In the few locations where we do run those services, the paramedics are recruited locally.
What country are you likely to work in if you apply through Médecins Sans Frontières Australia?
This will depend on a number of factors, including the needs of the projects and your skills, experience, and language competence. In 2016, the top 10 countries where Australian or New Zealand field staff were placed were: South Sudan, Iraq, Nigeria, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jordan, Tanzania and Lebanon.
We do not recruit for a specific job or country. We recruit people who meet our criteria, and then we will try to find you an appropriate position. When you are applying to MSF-Australia, you are applying to Médecins Sans Frontières generally.
It is extremely unlikely that your placement will start on the first date of your availability. A fieldworker with more flexibility in their availability can be considered for more vacancies.
For example, applicants available for nine months in-field within a twelve-month window of opportunity are able to be considered for many more vacancies.
Can I apply if I am only available for less than nine months?
Applications that do not meet the minimum period of availability required for an in-field placement will not be processed.
All new recruits must make a commitment of nine to twelve months*.
*Exceptions to this:
- Surgeons, Anaesthetists, and Ob/Gyns can sometimes do placements from six weeks to three months.
- OT Nurses can sometimes do placements of three to six months.
- Paediatric Doctors can sometimes do placements of six to nine months.
Placement Duration
Field placements can vary in length. The duration of a field placement is driven by the needs of the field project.
Can I specify places I do not want to go to, or somewhere I especially want to go to?
As part of our charter, we assist populations in danger regardless of whom or where they are. As such, we ask people who work with us to adopt the same principles. You might, for example, have language skills, cultural experience, etc. that is suitable for certain countries. This will be taken into consideration when matching you with a position, but generally we place people based on our project needs.
Does a Médecins Sans Frontières field worker get paid?
A field worker initially earns a modest monthly salary starting from approximately 3,523 AUD per month. This salary will increase with Médecins Sans Frontières field experience.
What costs are covered by Médecins Sans Frontières?
- Transport: domestic and international
- Accommodation
- Insurance
- Quarantine costs
- Superannuation for Australian residents (New Zealand residents receive the equivalent amount as additional salary)
- Luggage
- Per diem – which is a local allowance to cover food and daily expenses in the field
- Visa/work permit
- Medical indemnity
- Medical repatriation
- Relevant vaccinations
- Health
- Life & disability
- Psychosocial support
See Benefits and Opportunities for more information.
Can I go on assignment with my partner?
No. All posts for first-time field staff are unaccompanied. Most placement locations do not allow for friends or family members to visit. Accompanied posts may be offered to experienced fieldworkers, depending on field needs
Can someone go on a field placement at his or her own expense as a general helper/assistant? Can someone who happens to be travelling in the area in which a project is working stop off and visit or perhaps lend a hand for a week or two?
No, the teams we send to the field cannot accommodate observers, untrained helpers, interns, students, or others who lack the qualifications and experience to be full participants in the work of the project. Our priority is aiding the populations we are there to serve.
Do you have positions on projects for trainees? Do you have positions for medical students doing an elective?
Unfortunately, the conditions encountered on field projects demand the full attention of the teams, and they do not have the time to supervise, monitor and assess trainees and students.
How much notice do I get of an upcoming placement?
Once you are available we try to provide 3 to 4 weeks’ notice. It is very rare that we can give more notice than this.
The less notice you need to be able to go to the field, the more vacancies you can be considered for.
Do I get a contract?
Yes, Médecins Sans Frontières Australia will sign with you an employment contract.
As an employee, you will receive a salary, superannuation (for Australian residents only; New Zealand residents will receive the equivalent amount as additional salary), comprehensive insurance coverage (including workers compensation), vaccinations and other health-related support, psychosocial support, access to training opportunities, and reimbursement of work-related travel and associated expenses.
Do I get a handover infield?
Médecins Sans Frontières' objective is to give you a handover in field. However, it may not always be possible depending on the position, project context, and respective dates of departure of the predecessor and of arrival of the new person.
How does Médecins Sans Frontières manage safety and security in the field?
Médecins Sans Frontières provides extensive risk management procedures and security guidelines for every project. Field workers are briefed on the country security situation before going to the field, and upon arriving at the project site are given specific security briefings and protocols. Adherence to our field guidelines for personal and team conduct and safety is mandatory.
Do you get any type of holiday during the course of an assignment?
Generally, for every 3 months of work you will enjoy one week of holidays. You have the right to the pro rata equivalent of 25 days annual leave, calculated according to the duration of your contract. In addition to annual leave, you may benefit from local in-country public holidays, or additional leave as R&R according to the specific circumstances of your project.
What support is available infield and after you come home from a placement?
In the capital of the country where you will be working, there is a team of experienced field workers, the Country Management Team, who will provide you with support throughout your assignment. You will have access to a technical referent of your specific profession who will be able to give you technical support during your assignment.
At HQ level, there is a desk which also provides support to the teams. Médecins Sans Frontières has extensive protocols, guidelines and reference material available for you.
At the end of your placement Médecins Sans Frontières will provide you with our post-assignment psychosocial support package.
Can I have my time with Médecins Sans Frontières in the field accredited to my post graduate medical specialist training?
It depends. For some Colleges, there is provision for time in the field to be accredited to your medical specialist training. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Royal Australian College of Physicians will accredit time in the field under certain situations and criteria. For further information, you should contact the relevant college.
Do you run any training courses that those considering applying to go on field projects can take before applying?
Following a successful interview, Médecins Sans Frontières runs a pre-departure introduction course for new fieldworkers with the potential to depart to the field soon. Successful completion of this training is required before field placement.
There may also be training of a more technical nature prior to their first field placement.
Please be aware that places on all MSF pre-departure courses are limited. Participants are prioritised for courses based primarily on our predicted needs in the field in the coming months, as well as their date of availability for fieldwork. Course lists are generally finalised 4-6 weeks in advance of the course dates.
Please note that Médecins Sans Frontières offers pre-departure training to new fieldworkers following a successful interview only. MSF does not offer training for candidates intending to apply.
Do you recommend any courses that intending applicants can take to improve the likelihood of being selected?
We do not recommend any particular courses. However, there are a number of different courses available that provide good training for working in the field (although no course would guarantee selection). Some examples of these are a Masters of Public Health and Tropical Medicine program run by James Cook University, RedR courses, Bachelor of Humanitarian and Community studies run by Charles Darwin University, Burnet Institute in Melbourne, International Humanitarian Studies, etc.
What are the career opportunities for Médecins Sans Frontières fieldworkers?
Médecins Sans Frontières has numerous options for fieldworkers to build a career within the organisation. There are many Field and Capital Coordination and Headquarter positions that require field experience. Training courses are available to support these transitions.
There are many career paths open to our fieldworkers. For example, a medical doctor may do several field placements gaining experience in varying contexts. They may then be offered opportunities to advance their career within the organisation by becoming a Medical Team Leader – responsible for medical leadership at the project level, and then Medical Coordinator – responsible for medical leadership at the country level. There are also opportunities to become a Project Coordinator, Technical Referent, or any one of numerous other roles within the organisation.
What if I don't want a 'career' but I do want to continue being a fieldworker?
Many of our fieldworkers also choose to undertake regular field placements throughout their careers in Australia and New Zealand. They combine a domestic career with regular fieldwork, advising of their field availability as personal or domestic commitments permit.