Stories & News

Peter Clausen in Ukraine

Peter Clausen completed an electrical apprenticeship after school, he then went on to study journalism and work for the ABC in North Queensland, before completing a Masters in Disaster Management. He is an experienced MSF project coordinator and progressed to head of mission over his eight assignments. He first worked in Yemen in 2013, followed by projects in Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Tanzania, and most recently Ukraine in 2022 and again in 2023. 

12 May 2022

Over the past 10 years, successive governments have reduced Australia’s aid budget, decreased its refugee intake, and failed to provided a solution for hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers held in limbo.

As Australia prepares to go to the polls, Médecins Sans Frontières Australia's Executive Director Jennifer Tierney discusses the need for ethical and humane refugee policies—and the political will needed to secure them. 

06 Apr 2022

As millions of Ukrainians pour over borders seeking safety, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is urging Australians to bring their humanity to the polling booth in the upcoming Federal elections.

28 Oct 2020

Médecins Sans Frontières field workers are familiar with responding to emergencies and navigating quickly changing circumstances. Many have now drawn on that experience as they respond to the COVID-19 outbreak within Australia, in roles ranging from direct patient care, to providing health workers with psychological support, to managing Australia’s overall medical response.