Stories & News

MSF team doing cholera risk communications and community engagement
14 Feb 2024

MSF teams have been treating cholera and stopped the spread by working with community health promotion teams in Buhera district. Across Zimbabwe’s 10 provinces and 62 districts, 24,885 people have been infected and there have been 501 deaths since the first cases were identified in February 2023.

The Baobab House
22 Aug 2023

Tongogara Refugee Camp (TRC) is a remote place in the south-east of Zimbabwe where over 15,000 people live; mostly from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mozambique, Burundi and Rwanda. While in their country of origin, most of the refugees experienced traumatic events including war, rape, torture and physical injuries, among other traumatic events that caused them to flee. 


Around the world, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) teams are working to ensure children receive the best healthcare possible. The stories below talk about the enormous challenges faced by these young patients and the impact of MSF programs on helping them survive and stay well. 

Water, waste, and vaccination: Fighting cholera and typhoid in Harare, Zimbabwe
27 Feb 2020

In Zimbabwe’s capital Harare, recurring outbreaks of cholera and typhoid fever are a pressing health concern. In many of the city’s suburbs, public water supply is unreliable, and leaking sewage pipes, pit latrines, and poor waste management contaminate the groundwater. Using innovative borehole technology and empowering communities to manage their own water points, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has developed a highly effective environmental health toolkit.