We are the main healthcare provider in Nduta refugee camp in Western Tanzania, which hosts over 73,000 Burundian refugees. Burundian refugees in Tanzania are the most underfunded refugee group in the world, according to the UN Refugee Agency, while Kigoma region, where Nduta is located, is one of the poorest regions in Tanzania. Consequently, both refugees and the host community are especially vulnerable to an outbreak.
Our preparedness efforts are focusing on strengthening systems, implementing new measures, and health promotion to sensitise and educate the community on hygiene and best health practices.
We have completed construction of triage and isolation areas at each of its four health clinics. People who are suspected to have been infected with COVID-19 will be referred to the MSF hospital where a central isolation centre is also being built. Currently we have 50-60 isolation beds available, with the ability to scale up to 100 if needed.
There is an urgent need for greater international support of the COVID-19 response in Tanzania, to increase the capacity to isolate and treat people with COVID-19, as well as reinforce testing across Kigoma.