
MSF's work in Rwanda

MSF worked in Rwanda from 1991 until 2007. At the end of 2007, MSF ended its activities in Rwanda after 16 years in the country. Over the years, MSF's work has included assistance to displaced persons, war surgery, programmes for unaccompanied children and street children, support to victims traumatised by the conflict, programmes to improve access to healthcare, responding to epidemics such as malaria, cholera and tuberculosis, and projects linked to maternal and reproductive health.

Why were we there?

  • Conflict
  • Healthcare exclusion
  • Endemic/epidemic disease

History of Rwanda

In 2000, Rwanda faced a growing HIV/AIDS epidemic and a lack of available resources. MSF joined the fight against HIV/AIDS, focusing initially on prevention and awareness before quickly including medical treatment.

In the health centres of Kinyinya and Kimironko in Kigali, thousands of patients have been cared for by MSF. At the time of final handover to the health authorities in December, more than 6,200 patients were receiving medical care in these two health centres, with 2,700 benefiting from anti-retroviral treatment (ART). More than 10 per cent of these patients were children.

Caring for children with this life-long disease brings particular challenges. MSF medical teams, therefore, developed an innovative approach focusing on the specific needs of children living with HIV/AIDS in Rwanda. This included discussion of HIV testing of children in adult discussion groups, training specialised staff in psychosocial care and disclosure of the child's status to the child and their caregiver using adapted tools. A key part of MSF's approach was the creation of children-only support groups, which not only give children a voice but also allow them to play an active role in their treatment.

Rwanda has now begun a clear shift towards long-term development plans. The number of organisations in the country now covers the needs of the population. The AIDS epidemic appears contained due to the high level of investment by local authorities and the support of many international actors. As a result, MSF felt able to end its presence in the country at the end of 2007.

Speaking Out

From April to July 1994, between 500,000 and one million Rwandan Tutsi were systematically exterminated by Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR in French). Over several months, more than one million Rwandans fled their country, driven out as a result of threats by the former authorities and fear of civilian massacres.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams in Kigali, Rwanda became regular eyewitnesses to violence, murder and large-scale massacres, with staff members among the victims. MSF has since produced a detailed case study, acknowledging the complexity of the situation faced by MSF teams in Rwanda, and outlining the ultimate decision to speak out. 

Médecins Sans Frontières has been working in Afghanistan since 1980, providing emergency surgical care, responding to conflict and natural disasters, and treating people cut off from healthcare. 

MSF worked in Angola from 1983 until 2007. Why were we there? Armed conflict Endemic/Epidemic disease Social violence/Healthcare exclusion

MSF worked in Argentina from 2001 until 2003. Why were we there? Providing essential medicines and supplies

MSF worked in Belgium from 1987 to 2009

Why are we there? Endemic/epidemic disease

Why are we there? Endemic/epidemic disease Social violence/healthcare exclusion Natural disaster

Why are we there? Endemic/Epidemic disease

Cameroon is facing multiple and overlapping crises, including recurrent epidemics, malnutrition due to food insecurity, displacement, and conflict.

Why are we there? Armed conflict Endemic/epidemic disease Healthcare exclusion

Why are we there? Armed conflict Healthcare exclusion Natural disaster

The political, economic and military crises of 2002-2010 have taken a severe toll on the Ivorian health system.

MSF worked in Ecuador until 2007. Why were we there? Endemic/Epidemic disease Natural disaster

Find out more about MSF's work in Egypt

In France, we work with migrants and refugees, who encounter policies and practices aimed at preventing them from settling or claiming their rights.

Why are we there? Healthcare exclusion

Why are we there? Armed conflict Endemic/epidemic disease Social violence/heathcare exclusion

Why are we there? Endemic/epidemic disease

Haiti’s healthcare system remains precarious in the wake of natural disasters and ongoing political and economic crises. Ongoing disasters have led to Haiti becoming the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

Honduras has experienced years of political, economic and social instability, and has one of the highest rates of violence in the world. This has great medical, psychological and social consequences for people.

An MSF team in Hong Kong opened a project at the end of January focusing on health education for vulnerable people. Community engagement is a crucial activity of any outbreak response and in Hong Kong, this focuses on groups who are less likely to have access to important medical information, such as the socio-economically disadvantaged. The team is also targeting those who are more vulnerable to developing severe disease if they are infected, such as the elderly.

MSF worked in Indonesia between 1995 and 2009 Why were we there? Natural disaster

Find out about MSF's work in Iran

Why we are there? Healthcare exclusion Natural disaster

Why are we there? Natural disasters

Jordan hosts over 700,000 refugees, according to the UNHCR, many of whom reside in camps or have settled in the country.

Why are we there? Endemic/epidemic disease Healthcare exclusion

Why are we there? Healthcare exclusion

Although health services are being progressively restored in Liberia, important gaps persist, notably in specialised paediatric care and mental health.

Libya remains fragmented by a decade of conflict and political instability. The breakdown of law and order, the collapse of the economy, and fighting have decimated the healthcare system.

Why are we there? Endemic/epidemic disease Natural disaster

Access to medical care remains very limited in the north and centre of Mali due to a lack of medical staff and supplies and spiralling violence between armed groups.

Why are we there? Access to healthcare

In Mozambique we are responding to emergencies including disease outbreaks, providing care to people with advanced HIV, while also working in the conflict-ridden Cabo-Delgado province.

Why are we there? Endemic/epidemic disease Social violence/healthcare exclusion

Why are we there? Providing comprehensive emergency healthcare to people in remote regions of Pakistan is a priority, yet accessibility and security are a constraint for both Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and patients.

Why are we there? Armed conflict Healthcare exclusion

At the end of 2007, MSF ended its activities in Rwanda after 16 years in the country. MSF's work included assistance to displaced persons, war surgery, programmes for unaccompanied children and street children, support to victims traumatised by the conflict, programmes to improve access to healthcare, responding to epidemics such as malaria, cholera and tuberculosis, and projects linked to maternal and reproductive health.

Why are we there? Endemic/epidemic disease Healthcare exclusion

Why are we there? Armed conflict Endemic/epidemic disease Healthcare exclusion

Why were we there? Endemic/epidemic disease Healthcare exclusion

Why are we there? Refugee assistance

Why are we there? Healthcare exclusion

Why are we there? Armed conflict Endemic/Epidemic disease Healthcare exclusion

Why were we there? Healthcare exclusion

Why are we there? Endemic/epidemic disease

Why are we there? Endemic/epidemic disease Social violence Healthcare exclusion